ICP sales: How to create an ideal client profile for effective sales and marketing
Learn what an ICP is and how you can create one that'll clarify your sales and marketing efforts and drive new business growth.
Are you a power Streak user? Here are a few tips to make editing complex pipelines a little easier.
We’ve added a feature to let you edit your pipeline in full screen mode. This will make your pipeline take the entire browser window. You can even full screen your browser for even more pipeline real estate.
We’ve also added the ability to hide unwanted sections from your pipeline to give you a little bit more room if you need it. You can show/hide the colored stages of your pipeline as well as the Newsfeed. Both of these buttons are located right next to the fullscreen button.
Bonus tip: The dropdown for the Newsfeed button helps you customize whether you want to see only important events or all of them.
If you have a large pipeline and want to find data quickly, using Ctrl-F (or Cmd-F on a Mac) will highlight all the matching cells in the pipeline. Really handy for finding obscure boxes in big pipelines.