Build custom reports and dashboards in Google Sheets with Streak’s new export features
Streak's new export features let you automate CRM data exports to Google Sheets, filter key insights, and create real-time reports—no manual work needed!
We know that getting your work done requires many different web tools. In fact, the average business uses between 10 and 16 apps. Sometimes, it can be a struggle to get them all working in tandem. With 1,000 integration options in Zapier to choose from, it’s easy to integrate your favorite tools with Streak.
Our Streak integration on Zapier is significantly upgraded, with both brand new Streak action/triggers as well as improvements to existing (trigger on an update to a *specific* field, anyone?). Keep reading below for inspiration for working smarter instead of harder in 2018 plus a full run down on what’s new.
If you’re new to Zapier, you can set up your own codeless integrations called “Zaps”. Zaps will automatically send information from one tool to another, so you’ll spend less time manually transferring data between your business tools and you can dedicate more focus to moving your deals forward.
(Zapier Help for Streak, Streak help for Zapier)
Box Change Stage — Now with built in ‘Stage’ filter so you can easily configure your Zap to only run if your Lead enters a specific stage:
For example, use the Stage filter to only send a Streak Contact to a drip campaign in Reply if the Lead enters the ‘Not Right Now’ Stage.
Updated Box — One of our most popular triggers! Use this to kick off your Zap if any field on a box is updated. New for 2018: Use the built in ‘Stage’ and ‘Field’ filters to precisely target the changes you want to trigger the Zap:
For example, use the Stage and Field filters to only send a message to Slack if the Stage is ‘Qualified’ and the ‘Deal Size’ field is updated.
Zapier Support for Streak Contacts: Create a new Contact and add it to a Box — or — if Contact already exists, add it to a Box. For example, when a lead form is submitted, create a new Box and add a Streak Contact:
Zapier makes it simple to use your existing Streak Contact information in other tools, like marketing automation. For example, sync Streak Contacts to Intercom:
Our Streak/Zapier integration offers 35 different Triggers, Searches, and Actions. Suggestions for making our integration better (or, want to show off your Zapier setup?) — we’d love to hear from you!