B2B lead generation: 15 modern strategies for growth and conversion
Hoping to generate higher quality B2B leads? Try these 15 B2B lead generation tips and strategies to start attracting better leads.
Streak Comments were designed to help you collaborate as a team and move deals forward. They’ve become one of the most popular features of Streak! We’ve heard from users it can become tricky to keep track of all the conversations happening around a deal and hard to ensure the right people are reading comments meant for them.
We’re responding to your feedback with some brand new features for Comments:
Tagging another team member is done using the standard @<first name> or @<email> syntax. Start typing and Streak will offer autocomplete results from your team:
Note that replies are all nested underneath the original message. Adding a new reply is simple, and also supports the same @ tagging feature:
Our email notifications are smart— you can reply to the original comment just by replying to the email:
Once you’ve sent this email, Streak will automatically add a reply to the comment.
For any type of comment (replies or ‘normal’ Comments), we now support full editing and/or deleting, depending on your user permissions. Just hover over the comment, and the ‘edit’ and ‘delete’ buttons will appear:
Brief note for mobile users: We don’t currently have full mobile support for replies and @mentions. Our mobile apps will display all comments and replies as a single flat list. You can reply to notification emails on any device and create a reply, including @mentions.